If your frustration turns into anger, this will only make your situation worse. Anger releases the hormone adrenalin causing your muscles to tighten. Tight muscles produce a jerky uncontrolled swing. Accept that there are going to be days when you feel that you aren’t in control of your mind and/or golf swing and use the following several ways to regain physical control. 

  1. Don’t think too much about the golf swing. Take practice swings to feel and regain your tempo and timing.
  2. Focus instead on the smooth pace of the swing. Stay balanced, steady and centered over the ball.
  3. Breathe deeply to relax your muscles and to slow your brain waves for a sharper focus.
  4. Don’t swing harder than you can control. Swing at 80% of your power.
  5. Swing to your target. Pick a specific target and visualize the ball going there. 

This is the time to be patient and not give up. Every golfer knows that the game can turn around on the next shot. Stay relaxed by deep breathing to slow down your thinking and physical arousal level.

Use the following five strategies for planning your shot before you start your pre-shot routine, not while you are standing over the ball.  

  1. Change all negative thoughts to decisive confident thoughts.
  2. Convince yourself that the club in your hand is the perfect club for that shot.
  3. Let go of previously missed shots by planning your next shot. 
  4. Remember the good shots you hit in previous rounds.
  5. Commit yourself 100% to each shot. Give every shot full preparation of what you intend to make happen. This is what it means to “hit one shot at a time,” and to “stay in the moment.”

If these golf tips are of value to you and you would like to improve your mental golf game, call Joan for a complimentary 15-minute consultation. She can be reached by phone at 828-696-2547, or through the Positive Mental Imagery website or blog. Other tips to improve your mental golf game are available on the website, where you can sign up for a free mental golf newsletter and  purchase empowering self-hypnosis mental golf CDs.